King Arthur – The Truth Behind the Legend

King Arthur – The Truth Behind the Legend

(This blog post is an edited version of a piece I wrote for the Austraiian magazine Royals Monthly.) The legend of King Arthur, that great warrior king who united Britain against the Saxon invaders, has captivated people for centuries. The myth speaks to us of...
A Note from the Author

A Note from the Author

Two weeks until release! While we wait, I thought I’d share what inspired this novel, a retelling of the tale of King Arthur, set in post-Brexit, post-Covid Britain, and how it came to be an Arthurian-Tudor mash-up. This is an extract from the author note at the...
Queen, King, Ace – out soon!

Queen, King, Ace – out soon!

King Arthur, soon to be awoken in QUEEN, KING, ACE. Cover reveal imminent! January 2024 Hello and Happy New Year! Not long now until I unleash my latest historical (I use the term loosely) retelling, QUEEN, KING, ACE. It’s a stand-alone novel, but if...
Richard III: A Q & A with Olivia

Richard III: A Q & A with Olivia

👩🏻.   Olivia: So – what do we know about King Richard III? Ah! The hunchback king! 👩🏻.  Nope. What? But they found his skeleton and that proved it! 👩🏻.  No. The skeleton proved Richard had scoliosis – sideways curvature...