Anne of Cleves

Anne of Cleves

Anne Of Cleves Henry’s fourth wife was Anne of Cleves, reincarnated in Wife After Wife as Anki from Cleveland. People often feel sorry for Anne, rejected by Henry when she didn’t match up to her portrait. Like a disappointing profile pic. But I think of her as the...
Catherine Howard

Catherine Howard

catherine howard And so to Wife #5, Catherine Howard, reincarnated in Wife After Wife as wild child Caitlyn Howe.  Poor Catherine, a pretty, lively young thing thrown into the path of the ageing, widening, ulcerating (he wasn’t appealing by now) Henry, age 17(ish) to...
Catherine Parr

Catherine Parr

catherine parr And so we come to the wife who famously survived, Catherine Parr, reincarnated in Wife After Wife as wise, intelligent Clare Barr Clare is Harry’s rock, and the only one of his wives who really understands what she’s getting into. The ‘Melton Constable’...